Yesterday Was Résumé Day – Today I have a Job

Comparing a résumé to a British-style CV is a pretty simple task. When looking for a working holiday job my only advice is to keep it basic. I only put my six months of relevant experience on my one page resume (one job). It’s never been so short. I wrote in bullet points and only included the bare minimal – I didn’t even need a Canadian cell on there (just one way I’m saving money here, cell plans are extortionate – I shall put off getting this for as long as I can).

If you’re heading to a new country to be a server, do manual labour or work in retail (to name a few examples) don’t bother spending any time writing about your A levels or your hobbies – no one cares – save it for interview if necessary – forget all the fluffy stuff.  All decent sized towns here have writing clinics to help newcomers with such things. I know many of the travellers in this hostel have made the most of these services over the last six months.

I’ll be working at the local vegan cafe, preparing fresh food from local ingredients – I’m pretty excited. It’ll be a world away from my previous job at a burger joint in the UK.

This morning I celebrated my success with waffles at my new workplace:


Banana buckwheat flour waffle topped with cashew cream, chia jam and figs

I’m looking forward to preparing and eating good food, and having a little pocket money.

The Ever-loving Abigail
